Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or Treat

Okay, let me preface this post with the fact that I'm not the type of person that regularly dresses up my dog in cute little outfits. That being said I recently came across these little costumes, and well... I just couldn't resist.

It all started with this one. I had to pick these little horns for my parent's dog. Trust me, there are numerous reasons why this is appropriate.

Doesn't he look thrilled?

Then, what to get for Miss Binx or rather Miss B.
Can't you hear her say "Seriously?..."

No, she needs something tougher. After all she's the Snake Slayer. (That's what they nicknamed her at the vet's office. They even put it on her chart.)

Holy Wiener Schnitzel Batman!
It's Bat-Puppy!

Still, that didn't seem to fit either.
Then I found the perfect costume.

After all, she is the Princess, or at least she likes to think so.

"Now where's my treat?"


jafabrit said...

ADORABLE photographs :)

Crystal said...

Thanks. I have good subject matter to work with. I'll let you in on a secret. They were all shot in my bathroom. LOL.