This past weekend I was visiting my parents in Ohio. After staying up late talking with my mom on Saturday, I was less than amused to be awakened extra early by a Little Dog, who needed to visit the great outdoors in a big way.
It is no great secret that I am not a morning person. I'm sure was grumbling as I made my way out to grab my coat and shoes. That all changed as I passed by the window and I saw this most spectacular sunrise.
But, it was short-lived event.
7:18 am
Just ten minutes later the dawn was cloudy, gray and drizzly, but for a few minutes it was breath-taking. I so rarely get to see the sun rise from my own home. So I forgave the Little Dog for waking me up early. :)
One of my goals for 2011 was to open my own shop on Etsy. Actually, it was a goal for 2010, that didn't quite materialize, but this year I decided I would really try to make a go of it. So a couple of weeks ago, I bit the bullet and listed my very first item, my "couples" photo. Within a week I received notices that the photo had been placed in treasury. ( I didn't know what a treasury was at first, but from what I understand it's a theme based collection but together by other etsy members.) How exciting!
Now a couple of weeks have gone by and I'm slowly adding more items to the shop. For now it's mostly photographs, but I hope to also include some of my hand painted silks. As with some many things, it is most definitely a work in progress, but it is a start. I'm very excited to see where all this leads.
You can visit the shop by clicking here. Alternatively, you can check out the mini Etsy located on to right of this blog. Please check it out and tell me what you think. I'd love to hear your feedback.
It seems fitting that I write this on the anniversary of the day the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, thus kicking off what came to be known as the British Invasion. But lately, I seemed experiencing my own personal British Invasion.
I suppose it all started last year, when I signed up for Susannah Conway's Unravelling courses listening to Susannah's video and marveling at her lovely accent. Next, it was my personal Jane Austin Film Fest. Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Emma, BBC tv, or full length films, it didn't matter. I watched them all. After that I made my way to slightly more modern films and delving into PBS's Masterpiece Theatre.
My infatuation reached full force this past fall, when I came across Sherlock. Instantly, this was my new favorite show. I'm not kidding when I say I watched the first episode twice in one night. I cursed at my television at the cliff hanger ending of the third and final episode for the season. Once I found out that I could stream the show on-line, I was watching it every night as I cooked dinner. My previous crush, Colin Firth, was suddenly replaced by Benedict Cumberbatch. You would think it would have all stopped there, but no. It just got worse.
With only three episodes of Sherlock, I had to move on. A friend suggested another PBS show, Doc Martin, describing it as a British version of one of my all-time favorites, Northern Exposure. I started fixing tea and biscuits as I would settle in to catch up on the goings on in Portwinn. Then I noticed that my inner monologue was beginning to develop an English Accent. I had to resist the urge to add extra vowels to words like "colour". I started having dreams about driving on the opposite side of the road. One day, I even caught myself saying to the dog, "What's the matter Luv?" A sensible person might put a stop to this, but not me. I simply have expanded this obsession to include comedy....the Britcom.
If my life were to be portrayed as a television character I would be Miranda. Perhaps it's because the main character is in her mid-thirties and single. Maybe it's because she's also a bit of klutz. Or maybe it's because she's nervous and awkward in most social situations, but I find myself watching the videos saying..."Oh my God. That could be me. " The show is silly, and funny, and in my opinion, brilliant! (I sound so British when I use that word.) Big thanks to my friend Corrine, for introducing me to this wonderful little show. I have laughed out loud until my sides hurt. And, just in case you want to share in my own little British Invasion obsession I'm embedding season one, episode one. Give it a look. Hope you enjoy.
Again, I'm a little behind on Project 52, but since there are no rules, I'm giving myself permission to be a little behind. The last couple of weeks have been a little rough the Heis Household. Miss B. suffered a third back injury. Although this injury was not as severe, there were still many worrisome nights.
A little over a week has gone by and she seems to be doing better but we're still taking it day by day. Right now she needs lots of rest and time to heal.