Monday, February 15, 2010

A Quiet Winter's Evening at Home.

It's been a cold and snowy day here in Lexington. This evening I decided to just take it easy. First I started off by fixing myself one of my favorite dinners, a simple salmon salad and a glass of wine. I settled in on my big comfy sofa to enjoy my dinner and to catch up on some reruns of NCIS. Before I knew it I had a little black dog cuddled in at my side.

The NCIS episode went off, and the next show up was the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Now I'm not one that makes a regular habit out of watching dog shows, but I was still eating my dinner and feeling a little lazy. So I didn't immediately change the channel.

The first group up was going to be The Hound Group. Okay, I love the hounds. They seemed to grab Bianka's attention too. So we made an agreement that we'd watch the hound group before carrying on with the rest of our evening. After all, we had to root for the doxies.

I was surprised that Bianka showed so much interest in this event.

I don't see what the big deal is. I'm cuter than all of those dogs. Look at the face on that long-haired standard dachshund. There is no expression. I bet he couldn't get himself out of trouble when he gets into the trash or digs up his mom's garden. And look he's getting all those treats. I could totally be a show dog. This is so not fair. Why is everyone so excited about these guys?

Hmmmmm... wait.
That wire-haired mini...
He's kinda cute. Everyone is cheering for him.

Mom, do you think he's cuter than me?
You always say I'm the cutest. You really mean it right?

You don't think those other dogs are better than me.
Do you?

Remember I'm your girl, and I love you, and you still think I'm cute right?
And I'm not too much trouble am I, Mom?
I'm your Little Dog. We're a team.
Aren't we Mom?

Bianka, how could I love any face other than that one?

That's a relief.

I'll sleep easier tonight.

What? Don't you judge me.


Elaine said...

Crystal, I'm telling you --you could make my granddogger famous if you would just write that book--THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BINXS. You are so missing your calling-writer and illustrator.

cynthia-mcdonald said...

Loved the dialogue between you and your cute little dog, the pictures were perfect. I laughed all the way through the conversation! :D

Crystal said...

Thanks! I can't take all the credit. The Little Dog has some of the best expressions. I ♥ her (as if you couldn't tell that already.)

Emily said...

Haha, Bianka is so vocal! You're dinner looked amazing! Is that salmon on top of the salad?

Crystal said...

Yes Emily. It is salmon. It's my at home knock off of my favorite salad at Joseph-Beth cafe.